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2018 - Any Game 2 to 3 Table - $101-$300 - Stand
Rangfolge | Spieler | Land | Netzwerk | Stand |
1 | slayerv1fan | PokerStars | 946.0 | |
2 | newguy89 | PokerStars | 911.0 | |
3 | Opted-Out | PokerStars | 610.0 | |
4 | ChristinePoker | WPN | 397.0 | |
5 | ColombianKiller | WPN | 396.0 | |
6 | holyguacmole | WPN | 394.0 | |
7 | Opted-Out | WPN | 381.0 | |
8 | Lubczyk88 | PokerStars | 333.0 | |
9 | gcone593 | WPN | 289.0 | |
10 | FishingChris | WPN | 287.0 | |
11 | EliteBook | WPN | 267.0 | |
12 | MinCashSpecialist | WPN | 259.0 | |
13 | HollaAtYaBoi | WPN | 238.0 | |
14 | Sleeper Cell | WPN | 216.0 | |
15 | apuam | PokerStars | 196.0 | |
16 | one2and3of0 | WPN | 193.0 | |
17 | 1TheSpiteful | PokerStars | 180.0 | |
18 | OliStromboli | WPN | 163.0 | |
19 | MachiavellianSuperStar | WPN | 158.0 | |
20 | Don Sirloin | WPN | 147.0 |
2018 - Any Game 2 to 3 Table - $101-$300 - Gewinn
Rangfolge | Spieler | Land | Netzwerk | Gewinn |
1 | newguy89 | PokerStars | 28284.0 | |
2 | Opted-Out | WPN | 7464.0 | |
3 | Opted-Out | PokerStars | 5567.0 | |
4 | sup-sport777 | PokerStars | 5480.0 | |
5 | skarpet2 | PokerStars | 4984.0 | |
6 | 1BigAceHole | PokerStars | 4793.0 | |
7 | BinkOhMokay | WPN | 3516.0 | |
8 | Opted-Out | PokerStars | 3318.0 | |
9 | Opted-Out | PokerStars | 3242.0 | |
10 | Opted-Out | PokerStars | 3178.0 | |
11 | Opted-Out | PokerStars | 3062.0 | |
12 | MonkeyBudg | PokerStars | 2887.0 | |
13 | aaronmermel | PokerStars | 2857.0 | |
14 | Opted-Out | PokerStars | 2592.0 | |
15 | LuxPoker17 | PokerStars | 2548.0 | |
16 | JIZOINT | PokerStars | 2399.0 | |
17 | PBD03 | WPN | 2338.0 | |
18 | NEWFlat | PokerStars | 2330.0 | |
19 | WonderfullyP | PokerStars | 2324.0 | |
20 | exitonlyKK | PokerStars | 2314.0 |
2018 - Any Game 2 to 3 Table - $101-$300 - Beste 500-Strähne
Rangfolge | Spieler | Land | Netzwerk | Beste 500-Strähne |
1 | newguy89 | PokerStars | 36.5 | |
2 | Opted-Out | PokerStars | 15.4 | |
3 | slayerv1fan | PokerStars | 7.53 |
2018 - Any Game 2 to 3 Table - $101-$300 - Beste 100-Strähne
Rangfolge | Spieler | Land | Netzwerk | Beste 100-Strähne |
1 | newguy89 | PokerStars | 113.98 | |
2 | 1TheSpiteful | PokerStars | 67.43 | |
3 | Opted-Out | WPN | 65.66 | |
4 | Opted-Out | PokerStars | 65.58 | |
5 | ModzillaPL | PokerStars | 56.2 | |
6 | slayerv1fan | PokerStars | 51.07 | |
7 | Tuczas | PokerStars | 44.62 | |
8 | MonkeyBudg | PokerStars | 40.8 | |
9 | FishingChris | WPN | 39.63 | |
10 | one2and3of0 | WPN | 33.86 | |
11 | ChristinePoker | WPN | 33.85 | |
12 | ColombianKiller | WPN | 25.05 | |
13 | Don Sirloin | WPN | 22.98 | |
14 | apuam | PokerStars | 22.69 | |
15 | EliteBook | WPN | 22.28 | |
16 | gcone593 | WPN | 21.03 | |
17 | Sleeper Cell | WPN | 17.32 | |
18 | HollaAtYaBoi | WPN | 13.2 | |
19 | Lubczyk88 | PokerStars | 12.95 | |
20 | holyguacmole | WPN | 11.99 |